subject description of a miserable life 🗯
worldsplayer check if dinheav.rwx loads :(
school study for science test :(
school try not to stress :/
twitter advertise neocities to carrd homies cuz elon musk is gay :{
server send fent.mp4 to the 100th person :)
any make carrd people shut up about kpop :)
roblox make war with roblox yes

10/12/2023 oh nonono school and test is tomorrow

anyways: added more stuff, fent.mp4 nominated for media of the day, added memberoftheoldweb sticker for everyone to use and status cafe not yet added for now

9/12/2023 introducing: woriyo-tan, worlio mascot made out of hell!

welcome to the rant box. although while you are reading this the log box is up but this is for my rants. your new rant is loading in 3 seconds.......................... 9/12/2023: wow i am starting to hate scholl. i have a science test and random stuff going on but the thing i loved it uhh stormy and too windy weather. i am not sure what to write next but thats it i am just hoping school will be fun. oh and also a bin just came flying through.

media of the day: fent.mp4 (courtesy of 137 on files.worlio.com/users)